Hyper-V: AttackBridge installation guide for Windows

Hardware requirements:

  1. Resources: at least 4 cores, 16 gb ram, 40 gb of free disk space;
  2. CPU capable of hardware virtualisation;

Prerequisites for Hyper-V:

  1. Windows host that can Hyper-V; Hyper-V itself could be set up automatically.(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/about/#system-requirements)

To run AttackBridge in a Linux VM it needs to met following prerequisites:

  • a modern Ubuntu LTS Linux installation (24.04);
  • at least 2 CPU cores;
  • 6 GB or more of RAM;
  • at least 30 GB of free disk space;
  • a network adapter in a Bridge mode to be capable of ARP discovery and to have an ability to accept incoming connections.

The following guide will provide instructions for Microsoft Hyper-V:

  1. Open https://multipass.run/download/windows; then run downloaded file “multipass-<version>-win64.exe”

  1. Proceed with an installation, using defaults; reboot your computer if the installer asks to:

  1. Please look up your network connection name, it would be useful for the next step:

  1. Open a command line prompt ( Press “Win” key, then type “cmd”, then press “Enter”); you need to run the following command to configure the network adapter that will be used for bridging, using its name from the previous step:
multipass set local.bridged-network="Ethernet"

  1. Then run the following command to create a new primary VM:
multipass launch --name primary --cpus 2 --disk 30G --memory 6G --network bridged

  1. Answer “yes” if prompted; then wait till the end of installation:

  1. Now you can open Linux shell with “multipass shell” command:
multipass shell

  1. Copy and paste this two lines to your terminal, one by one:
curl -fsSL [<https://get.docker.com>](<https://get.docker.com/>) -o [get-docker.sh](<http://get-docker.sh/>)
sudo sh ./get-docker.sh

  1. docker should be installed, and you can check if it functions properly with the following command:
sudo docker run hello-world

  1. Now that the system has been updated and docker is installed, it is ready for your AttackBridge script. Simply paste your script into the terminal once you're ready.

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