VirtualBox: AttackBridge installation guide for Windows
Hardware requirements:
- Resources: at least 4 cores, 16 gb ram, 40 gb of free disk space;
- CPU capable of hardware virtualisation;
- vcredist 2019 (;
- python for windows (;
- python win32 bindings (pip install pywin32 --upgrade).
To run AttackBridge in a Linux VM it needs to met following prerequisites:
- a modern Ubuntu LTS Linux installation (24.04);
- at least 2 CPU cores;
- 6 GB or more of RAM;
- at least 30 GB of free disk space;
- a network adapter in a Bridge mode to be capable of ARP discovery and to have an ability to accept incoming connections.
The following guide will provide instructions for VirtualBox:
- Please verify you have installed the following:
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 redistributable package (x64):
- Python for windows:
python win32 bindings (pip install pywin32 --upgrade)
- Install VirtualBox: navigate to, then click on package for “Windows hosts”, then open downloaded file:
- Proceed with an installation using defaul values. You can safely close main VirtualBox window, if you chosen to run it after an installation.
- Open link in your web browser; then run downloaded file “multipass-<version>-win64.exe”
- Proceed with an installation, remember to choose “Oracle VM VirtualBox” at the Hypervisor selection step.
- Please look up your network connection name, it would be useful for the next step:
- Open a command line prompt ( Press “Win” key, then type “cmd”, then press “Enter”). In this step you’ll need the network adapter name from the previous step to configure the network adapter that would be used for bridging (right on the first command). You should copy and paste these commands one by one:
multipass set local.bridged-network="Ethernet" multipass launch --name primary multipass stop primary multipass set local.primary.cpus=2 multipass set local.primary.memory=6G multipass set local.primary.disk=30G multipass set local.primary.bridged=true multipass start primary
- Now you can open Linux shell with “multipass shell” command:
multipass shell
- Copy and paste this two lines to your terminal, one by one:
curl -fsSL -o sudo sh ./
- docker should be installed, and you can check if it functions properly with the following command:
sudo docker run hello-world
- Now that the system has been updated and docker is installed, it is ready for your AttackBridge script. Simply paste your script into the terminal once you're ready.